Jennifer Lawrence claimed to have been asked to line up naked and told to lose weight by the film producer early in his career. - Bbc news Abc News



Saturday, November 4, 2017

Jennifer Lawrence claimed to have been asked to line up naked and told to lose weight by the film producer early in his career.

Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer, Lawrence,

Jennifer Lawrence claimed to have been asked to line up naked and told to lose weight by the film producer early in his career.

Speaking at the Womenin Hollywood forum hosted by Elle magazine, the 27-year-old actress said she felt helpless at the time because she was not yet a famous actress.

He says as his career develops, he finds it with his popularity and then protects him from abuse.

"Now I will help teenagers, adults or men who feel they can not protect themselves, to talk," he added.

The Oscar-winning actress in 2013 for her role in the film Silver Linings Playbook tells the participants of the forum, an audition for a film she is asked to stand naked by a female producer.

She changed her experience as standing on the side that she said was thinner, something 'degrading and humiliating'.

"At that time I was very young and new career, I read to lose 6kg in two weeks by the film producer."

"He told the participants' forums, behind Kristen Stewart, Margot Robbie and Ashley Greene.

"During the audition, a female producer told me to line up with a piece of plaster covering our private parts."

Lawrence says that he is a producer and told him to "use his nude photo" as "inspiration" for his diet.

He then complained about another manufacturer he called overweight.

"She says she does not know why everyone thinks I'm very fat, because she says I'm interesting enough to sleep with her producer!"

The actress said she felt "trapped" by the experience and therefore the harassment happened because she "did not want to be a whistleblower" and thought she should do it to take her to Hollywood.

"In an ideal dream world, everyone with the same level of respect," Lawrence said in front of the forum.

"But before reaching that goal, I will lend my ear, I will choose boys, teenagers, adults, men or women who feel they can not protect themselves."

This event took place after exposure to sexual harassment and the prosecution of film producer Harvey Weinstein, which led to the development of narratives about the treatment of women in the film industry and Hollywood in particular.

Lawrence once joined Weinstein in the Silver Linings Playbook. Last week he was released in a statement saying: "Such harrassment is unforgivable and makes us really angry.

"I worked with Harvey 5 years ago and I have nothing to do with personal harassment, and I do not know about these allegations."

In his speech Lawrence said it was time for the people in Hollywood "no longer consider this situation as usual."

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