Kate Major Evicted from Apartment After Michael Lohan Arrests - Bbc news Abc News



Friday, October 28, 2011

Kate Major Evicted from Apartment After Michael Lohan Arrests

Michael Lohan's GF Kate Major has been put on notice -- she has until next week to move out of her swanky Florida condo or else ... all thanks to the media firestorm surrounding MiLo's recent arrests.

Sources tell TMZ, Kate currently lives in an exclusive housing complex in Tampa -- home to several rich and famous people, including pro athletes.

After Michael's recent arrests, we're told the entire complex has been swarming with photogs -- and the negative media attention is ruffling some high-profile feathers.

As a result, Kate's landlord has served her with an eviction notice, giving her until November 1st to pack her crap and leave.

We're told Kate is trying to fight the eviction -- but it doesn't look good.

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