San Francisco Earthquake Shakes Twitter - Bbc news Abc News



Friday, October 28, 2011

San Francisco Earthquake Shakes Twitter

bbc news | abc news >> A magnitude 3.9 earthquake struck the Bay Area Thursday afternoon, causing no known damage but leaving a spray of tweets in its wake.

The quake struck the Hayward fault line near Berkeley at 2:41 p.m. local time, but was felt across San Francisco — interrupting VC meetings, podcasts and general productivity as the city rushed to share its experience on Twitter. One user noted the gently swaying artwork at the San Francisco MOMA.

As many tweets pointed out, the timing was appropriate: California had just conducted a statewide earthquake drill earlier in the day.

Twitter is fast becoming the earthquake service of record, as was seen during this summer’s Virginia earthquake and the horrific magnitude 9.0 that caused so much devastation in Japan in March.

As a now-famous xkcd cartoon noted, the speed of the Internet means it’s becoming increasingly common for Twitter users in outlying areas to read about quakes before they experience them.

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