Premier fitness - Bbc news Abc News



Friday, October 28, 2011

Premier fitness

We’ve all been there. We’ve all joined gyms. We all sign the paperwork without even knowing what the hell was going on. Hell we just want to get buff and that’s about all there is to it. But you might think twice now before signing that dotted line.

If you’ve been reading about it at all, Premier Fitness has been in the news lately. Why? Well here’s why…

This story comes from a redditor who was billed $1300 for a contract he didn’t sign. Read it and beware:

The Premier Fitness down the road from my work has ALL kinds of boxes for people to sign up to win gift cards to different stores around the mall, the movies, etc. I signed up for one for a $50 gift card to Pac Sun, and received a call saying I’d won, and to meet them the next day to pick it up.
When I got there, he began showing me around, and told me I’d won a free month at the gym. I signed a small form for my membership, and asked about the gift card. Of course, he tells me that it’s a different drawing for the gift card that I had to sign up for. I said no and left.

About 2 weeks later, I recieve a bill for $1300. I immediately call the company, and they say I signed up for a non-cancelable 3 year contract with the gym. I told them, no. I didn’t. So the man I was speaking to began screaming at me, calling me a dickfuck (among other things), and hung up on me.

The next night, I went there to get a copy of the contract. Long story short, I politely asked for the contract and the manager (huge, bodybuilder type) got in my face, threatened me, and told me to get out or he was calling the cops. I immediately left, called the cops, and they accompanied me there while I got a copy of the contract. Here’s where it gets interesting.

The man that signed me up had signed me up for 3 years on the contract, AFTER I LEFT THE GYM. I was furious. I called the local news, reported them to the attorney general, and reported them to the Better Business Bureau.

Thankfully, after a few weeks, I got a response from the attorney general saying he’d taken care of it, and had a fax from Premier’s office manager saying she’d cancel the contract.

Holy crap! How is someone not in jail for that? Avoid at all costs it seems

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